Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not Me!, Wednesday -- All the way from ATHENS!

Ok, so it's not Monday.

But, to be fair, I spent most of Monday in airports and/or wandering the truly delicious streets of Athens. (Well, they are mostly delicious. My beloved parents somehow booked a hotel in the drug/prostitute section of Athens. Seriously, sketched me out more than the area where I volunteer does. Actual hair-standing-on-end kind of sketched out. The hotel was totally fine, but the neighborhood was not. We checked out after one night. But other than that, the streets are delicious. You are very likely to look over your shoulder and see ruins that are several thousands of years old. It's, um, kind of amazing.)

Tuesday was spent racing around Athens until we found a MUCH NICER (albeit more expensive) hotel. After we found the hotel, we went to the Acropolis and then dinner. I was waaaayyyyy too exhausted for blogging!

Then Wednesday included a very early morning trip to the Ancient Agora (seriously, the actual place where Socrates hung out and where, much later, St. Paul tried to convert people. SO COOL) followed by a bus trip up to Delphi (aka, my favorite place in the universe). So, you can understand that it took me awhile to get to my Not Me! Monday post.

So, anyway, this is my Not Me! Wednesday post (if you must know, yes, it is THURSDAY in Athens, and yes it is the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT in Athens, but here I am. um, yeah).

I definitely DID NOT purchase lots of travel plastic.

I definitely did NOT pause to locate all the plastic in the Ancient Ruins sites. Like the Ancient Agora. Or Delphi. Even if it WAS in trash cans, I obviously would NEVER be repulsed!

(Seen here: Amazing Delphi. Close-up of the trash can and its plastic contents.)

(Seen here: A trash can STUFFED full of plastic. Next to, you know, the most well-preserved temple in all of Greece.)

I absolutely, positively would NEVER use silverware wrapped in plastic at a nice! restaurant. (I am weak. I wanted the napkin.)

I definitely did NOT covertly snap this photo of a man carrying plastic silverware in his pocket. My dad was definitely NOT chatting him up (as he does most strangers) at the archaelogical site in Delphi. I was definitely totally UN-impressed by his anti-plastic precision.

I absolutely did NOT dive into the drink-the-Athens-tap-water phenomenon. The books definitely DIDN'T say it's ok. So I certainly did NOT fill up my Sigg.

Today, I certainly DIDN'T purchase a can of Pringles for the trip back from Delphi to Athens. It definitely WASN'T because we utterly failed to find a single open restaurant (our timing was off -- we needed food at a time they don't really serve it). Pringles don't have a ton of plastic on them, but they are by NO MEANS an un-plastic treat.

And I absolutely, positively didn't write a Not Me! Monday post on Wednesday (Thursday). No! Not me! Never.

1 comment:

Leah said...

MckMama skipped the Not Me's this week, but you can still participate in Toot Your Horn Tuesday! Come on by and share some more about Athens...I'm so jealous!